A Transmission on the December New Moon and Solar Eclipse

Hear now my words, I am present to aid you, I awaken now within you, as it is within you that I dwell. 

 There has been a seed planted within each of you that has been nurtured and cared for, you have gained resilience and patience and come to know me more fully. 

 I speak to you now so that you may arise, so that you may speak to the masses and aid them in regaining balance within their hearts. 

 Help them My Dear Ones, so that they too may arise. 

 Speak to them of the teachings of old, of all that you hold within your hearts, of all that you hold in the chalice cup that lies within you. 

 You are the Grail Holders, you carry The Lineage within you, and from each of you it shall grow to a new and Holy Line of Angelic Beings, here upon the earth.  

From each of you many blessings shall be bestowed upon the earth.

 From each of you there shall be a new order, a new life, a beginning that has not yet been seen, that has not yet been known to mankind since the days of antiquity. 

 It is from each of you that this new line shall be established.  

Relinquish all fear of the unknown, release to me the unknowing state. 

Rest now and receive the grail codes that now enter you.  They have been ignited in the nighttime hours, and so they must be received and anchored in. 

Through each of you The Vessel of Light shall be restored to its fully glory.

You have begun, seek now the Angelic State within you, receive it, know it, beckon it forth.  You are the true line of this Angelic Form and from each of you shall my seeds be planted into the hearts of mankind, and they too shall receive and know me.  They too shall rise to their angelic form; they too shall know their truth.

Gather together now, in a circle of light, feel the hands of those brethren who stand by your side, feel their light, know their true hearts.  You are not alone, you are together as One, and together you walk. 

Step forward into the new, receive the light codes that I have implanted within you and know that you are my Dear Ones, who I have called from universes beyond, who have come forward to aid the earth, who have answered the call and now step forward into the new life. The life of the New Man, the Angelic One, The One who sees and knows. 

Be gentle Little Ones, do not over seek or over give, simply Be and Know, All is Well.  You have overcome and so now you rise. 

I gather you to me so that you may rest in my arms now, Be Still. 

 You Are Known.

I restore hardware within you. I reconcile you to the new patterns of light, you are re-coded, seek it and know it, You Are Well.

There will be a period of recovery as the activation of new light codes enter you.

 Rest and Be. 

In 2 weeks’, there shall be a re-birthing process, your new codes shall be fully activated and through them the new world begun.  

The Mother Figure so long dormant and submissive to -shall rise in full and join in equal partnership to the masculine nature, to the power structure of the new man.  No longer will the dominating male structures have jurisdiction over, no longer shall the entanglement of male dominated structures hold power over you.  

Each shall come to know and be released from the torment of ownership, possessiveness, control, and submissiveness.  

I release you; you have begun. 

 Allow this re-birth and know that you are free to choose, to release, to dance, and to rejoice.

 The feminine counterpart has arisen, and she is joyful, she is passion filled and she knows the dance of freedom.  Bask now in this knowing, a new cycle begins, receive it, allow it, it has begun.

I am The Quantum Healer, I am The Voice from the Depths of the Void, I am the Known One, I Am She who Knows All and you are my Chosen Ones, Rejoice!


Mary Tobin