The Diamond Heart and the Lineage of the White Rose
"The Lineage of the White Rose is named for the pure white flame that is ignited from the rainbow light of the diamond heart.
Those of the pure form, of the ancient realms of the heart are called forward now"
You are invited to a 4 week Initiation for those of you who feel called to this work.
Guided by The Hathors as a collective consciousness, as well as Kwan Yin and Mother Mary, this sequence of ignitions of the heart will draw forth from within you the Diamond Light of the Heart by igniting the core center where the seed of heaven dwells.
The White Rose is symbolic of the purity, integrity and peace that will be accessed through the Diamond Heart.
This 4 week course is the introduction to the Lineage of the White Rose. We will continue the work of The White Rose with Gaia and the Dragon Lineage in March after the completion of this 1st Degree Initiation.
My heart is full and joyful to receive and to share with all of you these transmissions of light.
Please email me if you have any questions.
Registration allows you to join us live as well as receive the recordings for each class.
Register below.