The Diamond Heart and the Lineage of the White Rose
1:00 PM13:00

The Diamond Heart and the Lineage of the White Rose

"The Lineage of the White Rose is named for the pure white flame that is ignited from the rainbow light of the diamond heart. 

Those of the pure form, of the ancient realms of the heart are called forward now"

You are invited to a 4 week Initiation for those of you who feel called to this work.

Guided by The Hathors as a collective consciousness, as well as Kwan Yin and Mother Mary, this sequence of ignitions of the heart will draw forth from within you the Diamond Light of the Heart by igniting the core center where the seed of heaven dwells.

The White Rose is symbolic of the purity, integrity and peace that will be accessed through the Diamond Heart.

This 4 week course is the introduction to the Lineage of the White Rose. We will continue the work of The White Rose with Gaia and the Dragon Lineage in March after the completion of this 1st Degree Initiation.

My heart is full and joyful to receive and to share with all of you these transmissions of light.

Please email me if you have any questions.

Registration allows you to join us live as well as receive the recordings for each class.

Register below.

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Ascension Development Fall Equinox Transmission
11:00 AM11:00

Ascension Development Fall Equinox Transmission

I received this message from The Brotherhood of Light, inviting each of you to join me on the Fall Equinox to receive their blessings.

The equinox settings are upon you now. It is a time if the balancing of each to the new path of awakening. The left and the right,  the male and the female, the endocrine system of old awakens. 

At the time of the fall equinox much is awakened from within so that it may be triumphed over and let go. 

It is the time of the Great Fire, the letting go of the old so that a new life may be born. 

The times of equity are upon each f you now, seek them, seek the inner balance of life.  

We would receive you each as initiates, at this time of the Great Harvest and the letting go of the old. 

Gather and we would speak to you of the great and triumphant heart that now awakens as the letting go process begins. 

We bring forth the equity of the light and the dark, the known and the unknown, the fear and the love. It is the time of the Great Harvest and so now we would greet you at the door of the new. “

The Brotherhood of Light

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Ascension Development Course- Spring Equinox Transmission
11:00 AM11:00

Ascension Development Course- Spring Equinox Transmission

Spring is a time of seed planting, fertility and birth, join me for this spring equinox transmission and receive the seeds of light from the Master Realms. as we give birth to higher states of consciousness and create a new life together, as One.

Registration will allow you to join us live or watch the recording at at later time.

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The Winter Solstice Transmission with The Order of Melchizedek- Zoom
11:00 AM11:00

The Winter Solstice Transmission with The Order of Melchizedek- Zoom

On the winter solstice the ancients celebrated the last day of darkness and the promise of new light. Melchizedek states “ the firmament has been tones of light echo through the chanbers of the heart… we would greet each at the doorway into the new”.

This transmission is part of The Order of Melchizedek’s mystery school teachings development course for the evolution of mankind.

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Book Discussion on Qumran Chapter 2 from The Magdalene Temple of the Divine Feminine
11:00 AM11:00

Book Discussion on Qumran Chapter 2 from The Magdalene Temple of the Divine Feminine

Join us for a discussion of The Magdalene’s stories of Qumran as shared in the channeled book, The Magdalene Temple of the Divine Feminine. Join us live on Zoom or receive the recording by registering, the recording will also be posted on Facebook, The Lineage of the Blue Rose Group Page.

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The Order of the Blue Rose Priestess Training - Level 1
to Sep 17

The Order of the Blue Rose Priestess Training - Level 1

  • Google Calendar ICS

This is an in person training course that includes an attunement to the Order of the Blue Rose, ceremonies, crystal bowls, the history of the Order of the Blue Rose, transmissions from The Magdalene, Aphrodite, Mother Mary, and many of The Magdalene Order, as well as grid work.

artwork by Cheryl Yambrach Rose

Contact Mary for more information :

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A New Course Series- The Magdalene, Temple of the Divine Feminine
9:00 AM09:00

A New Course Series- The Magdalene, Temple of the Divine Feminine

The Magdalene has guided me to begin a new introductory series based on the teachings she transmitted to me in the book, The Magdalene, Temple of the Divine Feminine.

These classes will be a monthly discussion group that will follow the story of the early years of Mary Magdalene, information on Lineage of the Blue Rose, as well as an introduction to the significance of the awakening of the Divine Feminine presence within each of us and on the earth.

I will introduce this series on Facebook Live in the private group The Lineage of the Blue Rose, if you haven't joined this group yet, you can join here.

The course series that follows in August will be on Zoom, I will post the links on this Facebook page as well as on my website and through email.

I hope you can join us, feel free to share this information, anyone is welcome!

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Melchizedek's Development Course- Winter Solstice Transmission
11:30 AM11:30

Melchizedek's Development Course- Winter Solstice Transmission

Join us for this channeled transmission from Yeshua and The Order of Melchizedek

This will be a day of gratitude for each of us as we renew our vows to walk a path of light and to remember the way of the heart and its goodness, to sever all ties with darkness.

Yeshua will speak and share the good news that the darkness no longer holds power over the masses. There has been an energetic shift and each of us who choose this path now enter into the new light.

The winter solstice and this transmission will be a new entrance into the light -giving teachings, a welcoming in process of the now dormant cell structures as we, the Lineage of Light, enter into the new timeline, a timeline of hope, love and peace. 

This transmission will be offered twice, one will be In Person on December 21st @ 4:00 PM EST at New Earth Connections in Manasquan, NJ and the second transmission will be live on Zoom on Thursday, December 22nd @ 11:30 AM EST

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Melchizedek's Development Course- In Person Winter Solstice Transmission
4:00 PM16:00

Melchizedek's Development Course- In Person Winter Solstice Transmission

Join us for this channeled transmission from Yeshua and The Order of Melchizedek

This will be a day of gratitude for each of us as we renew our vows to walk a path of light and to remember the way of the heart and its goodness, to sever all ties with darkness.

Yeshua will speak and share the good news that the darkness no longer holds power over the masses. There has been an energetic shift and each of us who choose this path now enter into the new light.

The winter solstice and this transmission will be a new entrance into the light -giving teachings, a welcoming in process of the now dormant cell structures as we, the Lineage of Light, enter into the new timeline, a timeline of hope, love and peace. 

This transmission will be offered twice, one will be In Person on December 21st @ 4:00 PM EST at New Earth Connections in Manasquan, NJ and the second transmission will be live on Zoom on Thursday, December 22nd @ 11:30 AM EST

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The Order of the Blue Rose Priestess Training Retreat Level 1
to Nov 13

The Order of the Blue Rose Priestess Training Retreat Level 1

  • Plantation on Crystal River (map)
  • Google Calendar ICS

The Magdalene has guided me to invite a group of 12 to gather with her in Crystal River, Florida. This gathering is the First Level in Three Levels of Training in The Order of The Blue Rose for those who feel called to join us.

"I welcome you to join with me as we invoke the holy name of the Mother God into this area of the crystal springs. I would share with you the teachings that I have shared in eons past, I would welcome you once again to join with me in this earthly work, to aid in the great awakening of the earth and those who dwell here. Receive me and know that I accompany you always as you walk the plains and tributaries of the earth and sprinkle your seeds of love, peace, and light." Mary Magdalene

The weekend will include:

  • The Order of The Blue Rose Teachings and History

  • Level 1 Booklet

  • Blue Rose Attunement/Activation

  • Channeled Transmissions

  • Crystal Bowls

  • Introduction to Gridwork/Vortex Healing/Gateway Work

  • Priest/Priestess Ceremony

  • Magdalene Oil

  • Blue Rose Water

  • Aphrodite Altar

  • 1 Lunch /2 Dinner, Snacks, Beverages

*If you would like to learn more about The Order of The Blue Rose Training Retreats :

Our Venue for the weekend will be the beautiful Plantation on Crystal River Resort in Crystal River, Florida. We have rooms reserved for a group rate of $159 plus tax/night under Blue Rose until October 12th, 2022. We will be sending out a separate email with information and links to reserve a room at The Plantation after you have registered for the event. If you would like to explore our venue further :

*One or more of the following is recommended prior to this retreat weekend:

  • Listen to The Blue Rose Transmission Listen Here

  • Read or Listen to The Magdalene, Temple of the Divine Feminine Purchase Here

  • Private Magdalene Consultation with Mary ,

    *Anyone who has been part of The Gathering of The Magdalenes is welcome to join us without any other pre-requisites

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Mary Magdalene Channeling @ The Sanctuary at Middlebrook Farm
11:00 AM11:00

Mary Magdalene Channeling @ The Sanctuary at Middlebrook Farm

Mary Tobin will lead a channeled meditation with Mary Magdalene in Litchfield, Ct on Monday, October 3rd.

She will share the wisdom teachings that Mary Magdalene has revealed to her as well as some of The Magdalene’s story during her time on earth. The brief talk will be followed by a live transmission and a period of sharing and conversation with the group.

Come and join us and enjoy the sacred space of The Sanctuary of Middlebrook Farm, where two leylines connected to Machu Pichu and Lourdes intersect creating a beautiful vortex of love and light. Come walk the labyrinth, set your intentions on the powerful quartz crystal embedded on the leylines, or rest beside the brook that borders the property, the water that flows in it is said to be blessed by Mother Mary.

Cost $85

Register by contacting Theresa Joseph


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Melchizedek's Ascensions Development Course Fall Equinox Transmission
11:30 AM11:30

Melchizedek's Ascensions Development Course Fall Equinox Transmission

The Order of Melchizedek calls each of us to join them on the Fall Equinox.

Mabon, as it was known by the Ancients, is a time of death and rebirth.  It is a time of harvesting, gathering up the fruit of our labors from this past year.  It is also a time of letting go as we are brought forward into the new. 

Join me on September 23rd as we allow the Ascended Masters to guide us in this process of rebirth.  

Registration will allow you to join with us live or receive the recording to watch the transmission at a later time

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The Ascension Development Course's Summer Solstice Transmission
11:30 AM11:30

The Ascension Development Course's Summer Solstice Transmission

The Brotherhood of Light and The Order of Melchizedek call each of us to join them on the Summer Solstice to receive wisdom and guidance, as well as codes of light to aid each of us on our path of self evolution.

This class will be presented live on Zoom, registration will allow you to receive the recording so you can watch the transmission as you feel ready.

Here is the message I received today.

"We welcome you all. The new work has begun and as such we bring you forward into the new light stream of life.

The Solstice gathering will be one of great rejoicing as we aid you in entering into a new era of life.

It is a birthing process that has been long awaited.

Many of you have been triumphant in the overcoming of great obstacles, in the reclaiming of the divine form of light within you.

The feminine counterpart has entered, and so too the opening of the quadrants of the heart that are required for the alchemizing process that occurs.

The diamond light streaming forth from the high heavens has allowed much to be seen and known within you.

The galaxies of old are present now within your bloodstream as you begin.

We call you to gather with us, as we lead you forward into the new.

Allow the Master Yeshua to accompany you on this journey of light.

Allow a gentle balance to enter you as you bow your heads to the new life that awaits.

The summer solstice is a time of renewal, we beckon you forth to begin and allow the new template of light to be established now within you. "

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Gathering of The Magdalenes- Month 1
11:30 AM11:30

Gathering of The Magdalenes- Month 1

You are invited to join us for this gathering of The Magdalenes. If you have worked with or are drawn to Mary Magdalene, the Blue Rose, or feel called to be part of this gathering, you are welcome!. A pre-requisite for this course is the Introductory Class- An Invitation from The Magdalene, which is available through this website or by clicking the link below.

The Magdalene says “Come to know the teachings of The Magdalene and the Divine Mother, receive the Template of The Divine Feminine and allow the seeds of The Rose to open your heart to compassion and unconditional love……The course will be a monthly gathering for a period of 6 months, it will be incremental in nature so will require your full attention and will form the building blocks for the next sequence.  We call to you now on this auspicious day as the rise of the feminine enters, as the true teachings awaken, as the Mother of All anchors now into the heart of mankind and beckons them forward into the true light. “

If your current circumstances make it difficult for you to pay to join the class, please contact Mary directly for the registration link at no charge.

The classes are consecutive so if you’ve missed registering for any of the classes, you can purchase the recordings after the date of the class in the Website Store or by contacting

All Registrants will receive a recording of this Zoom Class, you do not have to be present live to receive the recording.

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Ascension Development Course's Spring Equinox Gathering
11:30 AM11:30

Ascension Development Course's Spring Equinox Gathering

Join us for The Order of Melchizedek’s spring equinox gathering. Yeshua shares “We would gather them together so that they may rise from within and come to know of the true source of living. Those of the true heart are invited to come to know and receive the blessings we would bestow upon them. Archangel Michael is strongly present and would aid each in their understanding of the new life’s pattern that has entered the earth, and would weave a bond of strength.”

This class is offered live on Zoom and will be recorded for all registrants.

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Gathering of The Magdalenes- An Introductory Class
12:00 PM12:00

Gathering of The Magdalenes- An Introductory Class

Gathering of The Magdalenes- An Introductory Class

“…. The Magdalenes, Priestesses of Avalon, the Lineage of the Blue Rose, we invite you to join us now as we begin a new journey of light. Accompanied by many we shall awaken you fully to your true lineage and share the teachings of The Ancients, we will stir the memory centers within you and call to your hearts to remember, remember your truth, it is time now. The rise of the feminine is upon you, the free flow of light within you, you are the light of the nations and through each of you the voice of The Divine shall be heard, the alchemical marriage is upon you now, dance in the living, receive the light codes that enter, and join with us, The Magdalene Structure of Light, you are called forth.

The Magdalene

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The Sacred Order of the Blue Rose Level 1
to Jan 23

The Sacred Order of the Blue Rose Level 1

  • Google Calendar ICS

The Sacred Order of the Blue Rose

Level 1


Friday, January 21-Sunday, January 23, 2021

Gainesville, Florida

Friday, January 21, 2022 at 3:00 PM EST
Sunday, January 23, 2022 at 11:00 AM EST

You are invited to join The Magdalene for a First Level Initiation into

The Sacred Order of the Blue Rose.

She has specifically asked us to journey to the Gainesvilles area of Florida because of the energies that are present there.

We have chosen the Herlong Mansion, a beautiful historic B&B in Micanopy, Florida, just outside Gainsville, Fl for our retreat location. It is near Jacksonville International Airport and Orlando International Airport.

Nancy Schwind and I will be facilitating this gathering of hearts, lead by Mary Magdalene, Aphrodite, The Blessed Mother, and many others from the Galactic Council of Light.

We have been called to awaken the chalice, the grail cup of divine functioning within us. During this weekend retreat The Magdalene will plant the blue rose in our bloodstream and stir the memory center of the true teachings of The Way of the Rose.

She calls us to aid Gaia and our sisters and brothers, to open and clear passageways within the earth and build bridges to the New Earth through our body of light and through our diamond heart of unconditional love.

Retreat Includes:

  • Drumming

  • Crystal Bowls

  • Guided Meditation

  • Grid Work/Gateway Opening

  • Magdalene Oil

  • Nature Walks

  • Ceremonial Initiation/Attunement into The Order of the Blue Rose

  • Booklet on the Teachings of The Magdalene's Order of the Blue Rose

  • All Meals

*Retreat Does Not Include Accommodations

If you feel guided to be part of this work and awaken within you the ancient lineage of The Magdalenes, please join us, anyone drawn to this work is welcome.

Requirements Prior to Retreat:

  • Consultation with Mary

  • Read The Magdalene, Temple of the Divine Feminine

  • Participate in The Magdalene's Blue Rose Transmission Class. If you have not taken the class already I have a new class coming up on 11/11/21 on Zoom or Contact Mary for Recording.

Please contact me if you have any questions.

Love and PeaceMary- Veronice-Anamatreyia Mary@BlueRoseHealing.Com

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