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The Ascension Development Course's Summer Solstice Transmission

The Brotherhood of Light and The Order of Melchizedek call each of us to join them on the Summer Solstice to receive wisdom and guidance, as well as codes of light to aid each of us on our path of self evolution.

This class will be presented live on Zoom, registration will allow you to receive the recording so you can watch the transmission as you feel ready.

Here is the message I received today.

"We welcome you all. The new work has begun and as such we bring you forward into the new light stream of life.

The Solstice gathering will be one of great rejoicing as we aid you in entering into a new era of life.

It is a birthing process that has been long awaited.

Many of you have been triumphant in the overcoming of great obstacles, in the reclaiming of the divine form of light within you.

The feminine counterpart has entered, and so too the opening of the quadrants of the heart that are required for the alchemizing process that occurs.

The diamond light streaming forth from the high heavens has allowed much to be seen and known within you.

The galaxies of old are present now within your bloodstream as you begin.

We call you to gather with us, as we lead you forward into the new.

Allow the Master Yeshua to accompany you on this journey of light.

Allow a gentle balance to enter you as you bow your heads to the new life that awaits.

The summer solstice is a time of renewal, we beckon you forth to begin and allow the new template of light to be established now within you. "