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Ascension Development Course- Spring Equinox Transmission

In 2006 The Order of Melchizedek, a branch of the Brotherhood of Light, asked me to transmit their teachings and frequencies of light. Each transmission is modeled after the ancient Egyptian Mystery School Initiatory Rites, They have asked me to transmit these light encoded teachings quarterly to aid in the process of self evolution, ascension.

They say.."We are beings who travel to the earth to assist mankind in their forward action, that the light of heaven may be more firmly established upon this place, and the heart of Gaia may be lifted to the high heavens, the place from which she has come. It is a benevolent society, formed for the advancement of mankind.  We await all who would seek us, as we do not interfere in the affairs of men unless called by the heart of the Mother God".

The Brotherhood of Light

Spring is a time of seed planting, fertility and birth, join me for this spring equinox transmission and receive the seeds of light from the Master Realms. as we give birth to higher states of consciousness and create a new life together, as One.

Registration will allow you to join us live or watch the recording at at later time.