The Order of the BlueRose Priestess Training
1st, 2nd, and 3rd Degree
The Order of the Blue Rose is part of the Order of Melchizedek and its teachings. It’s purpose is to aid in the awakening of humankind through the teachings of The Heart. The Order of the Blue Rose is lead by The Magdalene Lineage, the feminine counterpart of the Christ structure. In ancient times it was a secretive society known only to the few who received these teachings of the heart and were worthy to carry the light of redemption. The Order of the Blue Rose claims its origins from the planet Venus where many temples to the Venusian Queen of Heaven, Aphrodite , were established. These temples glowed with an indigo blue color, and they aligned those who entered them to the higher realms and advanced knowledge and wisdom of the heart.
The Magdalenes who received these heart centered teachings, carried this lineage of light, The Magdalene Structure of Light ,to the earth. They were open in their hearts, they sang and danced in a unified form to the mountain tops and to the rivers, they opened the hearts of the advancing civilization of the earth and as Healers they placed their hands on the third eye of all who would stray from the thought form of Oneness. The Order of the Blue Rose established temples of light on the earth, these pyramid temples held a strong and powerful light which emanated from the crystal core embedded within the temple structure. Lapis Lazuli was contained within the temples as well, as it contained a high emanation of light which integrated the energetic form of all seekers entering the temple structure. The High Priestesses who entered the temple emanated a glowing light of indigo blue, signifying the Magdalene structural template within them. They had knowledge in the use of crystals and stones.
These temples dwell within The Magdalenes of The Order of the Blue Rose now, each of you are called to journey to the heart of Humankind in your day to day lives, in your journeys to foreign lands. The heart of the Venusian teachings remains within your blood, it is the bloodline of the Ancients, passed from the times of Egypt, through the Solomon Temple, to the Essenes and across the plains to the lands of the Druids, to the Buddhist temple of Quan Yin, and to the high mountain tops of the Indian lands of Lakshmi.
The lineage of the Blue Rose was embedded in the hearts of many in the times of Avalon and entered the land of France through the teachings of the companion to Yeshua, The Magdalene, or as she is known to some, Mary Magdalene.
The Order of Melchizedek is an overseeing body to aid in this work, to aid in the protection of this lineage of light. They have established centers throughout the earth, and it is through the leadership of each of you who feel called to Remember and Awaken the Blue Rose within you that these Venusian teachings may be established once again.
This Ancient Order calls to you through many aspects of the Divine Mother including The Blessed Mother, Quan Yin, and Mary Magdalene, The Magdalene. She has invited you to join her once again as Priestesses of The Blue Rose.
If you feel called to awaken this sacred lineage within you, you are invited to join us. We will anchor the Heart Line of the Divine Mother energies into the gridlines of the earth, we will sing out the Language of Light from the mountains and valleys, dance in the Spiral Light of the Feminine, co-create through the Golden Chalice Cup of the Holy Grail System of Light in our womb space, and hold the vision of the New Earth through the Veil of Isis.
The Order of the Blue Rose Priest/Priestess Initiation is presented in three levels:
Order of the Blue Rose 1st Degree
You Will:
Receive a baptism and rebirth through the blessed waters and initatic rites of Aphrodite.
Be welcomed by The Blessed Mother, Aphrodite, The Magdalene, and many other aspects of the Divine Mother into the ancient wisdom and history of The Order of the Blue Rose through channeled transmissions.
Receive an individual attunement and activation of the Blue Rose within your bloodstream
Dance and Connect with the heartbeat of Gaia
Learn about Gaia’s grid system, including vortexes, portals, and the interconnection of these systems of light
Anchor in the Magdalene Structural Template of the Sacred Feminine
Clear timelines of fear, grief, anger, and dominating forces on the earth
Open portals and create a stairway to new timelines of love and peace on the earth.
Expand in your heart, consciousness, and spiritual gifts through the activation of DNA long dormant within you.
Included in the Weekend:
Guided Meditation
Teachings and History of The Magdalene and the Lineage of The Blue Rose
Fire Ceremony
Crystal Bowls
Priestess Training Booklet
Magdalene Oils
Pre-Requisites for Level 1
One or More of the Following:
The Blue Rose Transmissions Class ( See Below)
Completion of the book The Magdalene, Temple of the Divine Feminine
Magdalene Consultation with Mary
Order of the Blue Rose 2nd Degree
We are called to the mountains to continue the teachings, initiations and work of The Order of the Blue Rose. For eons of time the mountains were where The Order of the Blue Rose has gathered to connect with the sacred temples of the Inner Earth, with the Masters who dwell there, where we can connect with the heavens and sing out across the valleys through the echo chamber of our hearts. In this 2nd level initiation our voices are awakened and carry the new light codes of the feminine to the grid systems of the earth.
This echo chamber of light frequencies is broadcast throughout the mountains and valleys, reverberating throughout and dancing upon the heart of all who would receive them. This highest light awakens the Ancient Temples of the Unity of Oneness, where the universe sings as one voice, a unified voice, releasing all cataclysmic events placed upon timelines.
In Level 2 You Will:
Receive an Attunement and Activation of the throat and voice
Practice Toning and Using your Voice
Sing Light Codes from Mountain Tops
Learn about the Inner Earth/Shamballa/Telos/Agartha
Work with Ancient Indigenous Tribes in the Inner Realms
Clear and Heal Ancient Lands
Receive Transmissions from The Magdalene
Join in a Fire Ceremony
Receive a Priestess Training Booklet containing the transmissions and training from The Magdalene.
High Priestess in The Order of the Blue Rose 3rd Degree
This work is one of enormous power and activation. You are called to listen to your hearts and forgive, to allow the light of heaven to enter your hearts and come to know of your truth through the process of remembering and entering into the quiet mind.
This new level of teaching calls you to step forward as Priestesses of the Holy Grail, to carry within you the grid system of the new earth. As Priestesses of the Holy Grail, you awaken within you the Chalice Cup of Life through the healing of the womb space, the release of traumas and fears. Through this healing process of the womb it will become ignited, and the kundalini rising wihtin it will move upward to the heart space where all will be created through the heart of unconditional love.
The 3rd degree Initiation welcomes you as the magnifiers, the Grail Keepers, Priestesses of the Light that will enlighten the path for all who seek truth and the path of awakening.
There is a 6 month preparation period for the final activation/Initiation/Ceremonies in the Sacred Lands of France and England. We travel over 9 days to the areas of Bugarach, Rennes les Bains, Montsegur, and Glastonbury, England.
In the 3rd Degree Initiation of High Priestess Focus:
Breathwork to Allow the Movement of the Kundalini
Healing of the Womb Space from past trauma
Alchemy of the Heart and Mind
Expansion of Third Eye/Throne of Isis
The Myrr Bearers/Oils
Grail Codes
Magdalene Template of Light
The Third degree Priestess Training we awaken the womb space, the Holy Grail System of Light, the alchemical marriage and the kundalini energies. We move more fully into the co-creative process that must be rekindled so that we may be lifted up to the high heart where the full co-creative processes may be anchored.
A New Order of the Blue Rose Priestess Training Level 1 is Forming!
Contact Mary for More Information :Mary@BlueRoseHealing.Com