Global Healing Meditation with The Blessed Mother 1/11 @ 1:00 p.m. EST

I welcome you….

Together we have begun a new journey, we have stood upon the mountain tops and seen from a vast distance those who would be a deterrent to the ongoing journey of light. 

I have called to you and you have answered the call to aid these ones, to draw them forth as we enter the new time- line.  Together we have anchored in the light quotient necessary for this time- line shift, you walk steady and straight as the new entrance in has begun.  The new light quotient establishes the new order, that fear of dominion- over may be lifted, that all those who have been deterrents to the Lifeblood of All that you Are may be lifted and brought forth to the New Way. 

I welcome you, you are the Peacemakers, the warriors of the Heartline established long ago and re-established here and now, in this timeline.  The esoteric teachings of the Mystery Schools have brought each of you forth to this present moment.  These teachings of the Ancients have awakened the light breath within you, establishing new settings of light.

The Heartline of old is present now to aid me, it is to each of you that I speak. 

Your warrior spirits awaken the heart of mankind, you gain residency here that they may know the passageway of truth, that all that walk on a path of light may enter into this new timeline and be welcomed in.

I have called to each of you to aid me, that this passageway into the new may be more firmly anchored, that all who would seek this path may come to know the warrior Path of Truth. 

I realign your spinal column that the doormat of the feminine structure may be lifted and brought forth as a doorway to the new.  We establish the stepladder now, through each of you, you begin the work and re-establish new settings upon the earth. Allow the work to continue as we vanquish the darkness, as we lift the density of action, as we begin again and establish upon the earth a new way of living, effortless in nature, free from pre-conception and dogma.  Free-flowing and effortless, the Divine Feminine establishes new settings of light and love, the creativity of old that knows no boundaries, limitless in its nature it will beckon forth the heart of mankind that they may know the Way of the True Heart and they too shall be welcomed in. 

This day I ask of each of you for your prayers of forgiveness, that all may be lifted, that all may find the entrance in to the new. 

There are many who dwell now in fear, they have been deeply wounded my Dear Ones, they are fearful of the content of their being, they fear the unknown, they gather enmasse at present in an unknowing state.  Forgive them, know that they too are Children of the Divine, adrift and cast aside, they have entered this unknowing state.  I call to them to remember, to move within, to center themselves within their hearts, but they are uncertain and fearful. 

I call to you each, step forward, call to their hearts, synchronize, attune, beckon them forth.  In doing so they shall be lifted, they shall come to see their truth as beings of light.  A departure from the path of light has rent them in two, forgive them, call to them, return them to me, I would hold them tight. ……. 

I am present now to each of you, remember me , I dwell within you…….. 

The Forgiven State has arisen, stand your ground My Children, you of the True Heart.  Return to me now all that has been cast aside and I will hold them tight to my breastbone, they too shall come to know Truth…… 

A 1/11 due date is upon us, it calls you forth that the New Gateway may establish this truth, that All is of the Living, that All has been Forgiven, that each may walk in their truth and fear of the unknown may no longer dwell in the hearts of man. 

I have begun new work with each of you and I call to you in the nighttime hours that you each may breathe the new light and resurrect the form of old.  Hold tight to my hand and we shall walk together, in a unified form of light.  We have begun the new work my Dear Ones, let us continue…….. 

1/11 @ 1:00 p.m. 

I Am The Blessed One



Mary Tobin