Sisters and Brothers of the Rose Lineage
In our class last month The Magdalene asked that we gather again at the end of May. Since then she has spoken to me of the upcoming eclipses, the summer solstice and the increasing energies that are approaching which will trigger emotions connected to old beliefs systems and structures connected to our relationship with society, family, and our relationship with Self. I”m sure most of you are already experiencing these triggers as anxiety, emotional responses to seemingly benign circumstances, as well as rapid heart beat rates and a sense of fear. I find this fear to be something I can’t really put my finger on, Mary Magdalene tells me that this is because in reality it’s a fear of the loss of who I think I am, it’s based on my relationship with others and my role in society, I find it to be almost a grieving process for me. The Magdalene tells me that all of these things are going to be tested, brought up into our awareness and restructured as we prepare for the new beginnings coming this fall, it is a birthing process.
She has asked me to invite each of you who resonate with this message to join me on Sunday morning for The Magdalene’s Gathering of Hearts transmission. I call this a transmission because it best describes what occurs when she speaks through me and “transmits”, much like a radio, frequencies of light, peace and love. This Facebook Live event will be at 10:00 A.M. on my Facebook page, BlueRoseHealing. When you go to this page you will see my live video, if you’ve signed up for it already you should get a reminder when I start the event. I will wait for people to join and you can message me in the chat area if you’d like to say “hi” and let me know you’re there. This broadcast is for each of you to receive and it will continue to be available after the class is complete on my facebook page. I hope you can join me live though, and receive the loving embrace of Mary Magdalene together as One, as you become a vehicle for these frequencies of unconditional love to share with the world. Here is her message to each of you:
I am The Magdalene of centuries past. I have awaited this time for my entrance, to aid in the renewal of the earth, and the inner earth as it were. The day of reckoning is at hand, I welcome each of you who has sought a new entrance into the light, of the forgiveness of the heart, of the letting go process, that we, together as one, may step forward into a new earth, a new world of loving light, of codes of peace, of the awakening of the masses to their truth, that they are the sons and daughters of the everlasting truth that All is One.
We enter into a new contract in the days and weeks to come, the days of upheaval approach rapidly, an emotional tide to aid in this letting go process that new structures of light may be implanted into the hearts of mankind. It is the unforgiving heart that has held man spellbound in this earthly structure of domination and anger. A new day approaches as mankind awakens and remembers the truth that resides within them, that all may be made new again, that the heart may beat in new rhythms as the codes of light seek entrance. The master realms are upon each of you, you have the power to overcome, to relinquish all structural anomalies that hold you in a place of fear, of submission to, of the unknowing state. I would aid each of you on the road ahead, that you may release and re-structure and begin the new work.
You have been called, and so you have answered. Remember me, I have known you through eons of time. You have chosen this place and this time to awaken and to lead the earth in this time of renewal. It requires but a blink of an eye that you may awaken in full, that you may bow your head to no man but the God/Goddess within you, this is your truth, this is your power, this is your service, to awaken the hearts of mankind and to draw them forth that they too may know this truth.
The Blue Rose of my being has been implanted within your hearts, it is through this resonance that you receive my call. I Am Present, Yeshua stands by my side to aid in this work, that the Magdalene Template of Light may be awakened upon the earth, the Feminine Light of the Heart, of the Inner Knowing, of the Wisdom of Unconditional love. It is to this that you have been called, I plant the seeds and together we walk, spreading these seeds upon the earth, that mankind may remember, that mankind may awaken, that the earth may resonate with this truth.
You have been called, receive me, I hold the light of the feminine counterpart of the Christ Structure and I call you now to anchor it into your heart structure. Together we shall walk.
Sisters and Brothers of the Rose lineage, Awaken.
The Magdalene