The Birthing Process of Light

My Children, I welcome you

You are born again into the new light, the light of the resurrected form of old

The Light of the New has entered you and a resounding Yes has begun to quiver in your vein structures

 Enter in, you have begun the new work

You step forward

You recite your prayers of faith

 You breathe deeply

Stand now, as the resurrected form enters you.  As the golden light of your Divine Being enters

 Step forward now into the new life 

You are awakened sons and daughters of the New Light, the New Life, you have begun again

 Hold tight, the deep anchoring in process has begun, the spinning wheels turn

You of the formless state, the ears and eyes of my being, the hands that heal

The breath of your being enters each that seek the light, you speak your words of wisdom and shine forth as a radiant light.

The beams of light that have entered strengthen you now for this journey 

You have been formed in the true light of my reflection.

Gaze deeply now into the mirror of my being, know of your true self, allow the candle to flicker within you, you of the shining light.

 You are raised up, you have gained strength, you speak now from your great depths of the coming of the new light and you are resolved. 

It has begun

You of the formless way, stand now in your truth

Walk steadily, head held high

A knowingness has entered you, the Plains of Wisdom

We have begun the new work

A new life has begun

Shine forth

Gaze inward

Remain resolved

It is a beautification process

A raising up of all that has been brought low

A lifting to my being all that is not of the light, that I may re-form it and breathe new light into it, that the process of creation may bring it to new life.  

Be at peace My Dear Ones

You are the Glory of my Being

I am well pleased

It is a ritual dance at present, you have each been well positioned, in time you shall step forward more fully and bring to life all that I have formed anew. 

Expand your lungs, exhale

It is a Birthing Process of Light

The veil of forgetfulness has been lifted

Remember now the Truth and the vastness of your Being.

Gird now your loins

The mask has been removed and you have been revealed

Radiant Beings you are welcomed, your scepter has been activated, allow now the Ways of Light to be as a guiding force in your moment to moment remembrance of this truth, You Are Light.


I Am the Beloved

Mary Tobin