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The Order of the Blue Rose Level 2 Priestess Training Course

Roanoke, Virginia

August 13-August 15, 2021


Ceremony, Second Level Attunement, Gridwork, Gatekeeping, Codes and Songs of Light, Hiking, Workbook, Transmissions, Two Dinners, One Lunch

This Invitation is for the second level of The Order of the Blue Rose Priest/Priestess Training. You must have taken the first level to be part of this retreat.

I've been receiving quiet whispers and then increasingly persistent messages to prepare for the next level of The Order of the Blue Rose since winter 2020. The messages were insistent that the grid /gate work be done in the area of Roanoke, Virginia. I've been researching the area and spent last weekend in Roanoke with Nancy. We explored, meditated, and sat in the energies of the mountains and found the areas that called to us.

Here is a portion of the message that I received from The Magdalene regarding the mountains we are called to visit:

An invitation has been made known to each of you to join with me in the mountains of Roanoke. I begin new work there with each of you to awaken the heart of humanity to their truth. We shall walk together in the early morning tide and ascend the mountain top to be welcomed there by the tribes of old. The ancients are present here upon the mountains of Roanoke, they have been a protective force for many centuries so that mankind may come to know of a new truth, so that they may awaken......I would claim these mountains as an echo chamber of the love and light contained within each of you who join me here...the rocks and boulders here carry within them many ancient codes of light, long buried beneath the earth and held there during the times of peace upon the earth. In times of great upheaval the codes have been lifted and dwell now within the mountain tops to be accessed by all who have welcomed the truths that I speak. Once accessed these codes enter the bloodstream of the ones that I have called, they reverberate throughout their systems and awaken the ancient knowledge of The Gaia One.

Allow the Mother One to enter you as you invite in the Magdalene lineage and begin again their song of light..... "

I"m excited to share this weekend, there will be more information and messages to follow but I wanted to be sure and get this registration out to each of you

We've chosen Peaks of Otter Lodge for our accommodations because of the beauty of where it is situated and the mountains that surround it. It has a restaurant where you can have breakfast, we will provide the rest of the meals for you.

If you'd like to extend your stay, we will be arriving on Thursday, August 12th and leaving on Monday, August 16th. We will have some fun adventures planned ( and some spontaneous ones too ) for anyone who wants to join us.


Accommodations: Peaks of Otter Lodge

2 double beds or 1 King $165

*Call Before July 13th, 2021 :1-866-387-9905 or 1-540-586-1081 ext 0. and use the code "5AV1OR" to receive the discounted rate under Mary Tobin

Please contact me with any concerns or questions.

Love and Peace,
