The Magdalene’s Self Study
Awaken the Crystal Child of Light.
In this series of six channeled guided meditations, The Magdalene helps us to remove the masks that obscure our true identity. She guides us to look deep within ourselves and awakens our cellular memory to clear negative and limited belief systems.
We journey from our embryonic state through the childhood and teenage years into an empowered Child of Light, loved unconditionally by the mother and father aspects within us as we are joined together in harmony. The Magdalene brings us to her reflection pool where we can gaze steadily upon our teenage self and see our own beauty.
The Magdalene says :
“I would aid each of you in the awakening of the heart, that you may come to know your true and authentic Self, that you may remember your truth and come to know the path of the true heart.
There has been placed on the heart of mankind a great sacrilege, The Forgotten One is strong upon your hearts. I would aid you in remembering the path of the true heart and the blessings that are dormant within.
You have been disfigured, the wise heart has been put to sleep, I would awaken your memory center so that you may come to know and remember wisdom, so that all forgotten teachings may be awakened and all falsehoods placed upon your hearts lifted to the light of transformation. In doing so you shall awaken and begin the journey of light once again, walking steady and proud, well equipped with the true inner knowing that you are a Child of the Light and that all truths lie within.
We will walk together as I awaken your memory center, and stir memories of lifetimes past, untruths spoken to you, past trauma and old fears. Through each of you I shall establish a new center of light, and from each of you words of truth shall be spoken freely.
The Child of Light is one who knows all truths and dances freely in the light.
I would aid in the integration of the right and left, the hemispheric disfunction between shall be lifted and a new communication center established. Children of the Light, I call to you now, receive me and my teachings and we shall walk together once again. The Womb of Creation beckons you forth to give birth once again to the true light, that all that has been vanquished may be born anew.
I hold the candle to your pathway inward, take my hand and we shall begin now the work.”
· Month 1- Left/Right Brain, Embryonic State, Clearing the Ancestral Lineage
· Month 2- The Toddler Years-Boundaries and Freedom to Be
· Month 3 – Childhood Years-True Identity
· Month 4- The Adolescent Years- Self Image
· Month 5- Keys to Unlock the Heart, Initiation with Yeshua and John the Baptist
Month 6- Awakening the Child of Light
This course is presented in the format of guided meditation and uses the tools of journaling and self-reflection.
$180/ 6 month course
A New Live Course is coming on September 13th @ 11:00 AM EST on Zoom!